5 dead in Colorado Springs gay club shooting

Colorado Springs Shooting: Firing took place on Sunday in America’s Colorado Springs gay club. In this, 23 people were shot, in which 5 have died. BNO News has given this information. According to media reports, a gunman suddenly started firing at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs on Sunday night.

Many videos of this matter are going viral on social media. In these videos, a large number of police deployment and ambulances are visible on the streets outside Club Q. Eyewitnesses say that many people have been shot in this incident and many deaths have taken place. Club Q – where the incident took place, describes itself as a gay and lesbian nightclub.

Attack on Transgender Day of Remembrance

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The attack took place on Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It is observed every year on 20 November to remember anyone who has died as a result of transphobia.

accused out of reach

According to American media reports, the gunman carried out the incident using a sniper rifle. Information about the motive of the gunman and the number of people injured in the firing is not yet clear. The accused is out of the custody of the police. Such incidents are increasing in America. Earlier on November 16, there was also a shootout in Colombia’s Club Rose Gold in which one person was killed.

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