40 crore licenses in a population of 33 crores! Why is America fond of having guns and revolvers?

America’s Gun Culture: What will be the condition of the country whose President himself has to say that enough is enough now. The recent incident took place on Thursday (October 13) in Relig, North Carolina, USA. Here a 15-year-old boy fired indiscriminately and killed 5 people. The country’s President Joe Biden is hurt by this.

His statement given on Friday (October 14) on this issue is very serious. He has admitted that these incidents of mass shooting with guns have become so much in the country that now the news of these killings is not even made. By saying this he means that the country has readily accepted the lives lost by guns. This country, which is tightening its power on the world, is not able to rein in the violence caused by gun culture here.

In this country with a population of 33 crores, there are more guns than people, that is, there are 40 crore gunmen here. It is the power of these guns that in the last 50 years, 15 lakh people have become victims of guns. How many more people will be given guns in America, only time will tell, but here we will try to tell you what is the root of this dangerous gun culture i.e. gun violence in this country and why it is here even after protests. is flourishing. Let’s start with the recent mass shooting.

President said just do it

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In Relig, North Carolina, US, a 15-year-old teenager started firing indiscriminately on people late Thursday evening. In this mass shooting, 5 people lost their lives. of here According to the police, this incident of mass shooting lasted for a radius of 2 miles. According to American time, this mass shooting Started just after 17:00 EDT. The condition of the suspect also remains critical in the hospital, but it is not clear how he was injured.

These countries are shocked by this recent incident. According to the US Gun Violence Archive, there have been 533 mass shootings in the US this year. This The archive’s website states that in the year 2022, more than 34,000 people died in shootings in the US, of which more than half were suicide cases. In the year 2019 in the world, the highest number of suicide cases due to firearms came from the US. Here this year 23941 had committed suicide with gunpowder and it was 44 percent of the deaths due to gunfire here. Seeing this figure of deaths, President Joe Biden is terrified. His anger, sorrow and worry over the recent incident is reflected in his words.

President Joe Biden said, “Enough is enough. We mourn and pray with the many families suffering the terrible burden of mass shootings.” He said that these violent incidents of guns should be stopped. It is worth noting that the US, a country of 50 states on the world map, which covers a vast area of ​​North America, violence from licensed droppers is common.

Old gun culture

They say that old habits do not go away and these habits of gun culture in America are also very old. Here, not from today, but from 230 years ago, the culture of keeping guns of citizens is going on. The credit for its beginning here goes to the British. During the British rule, people used to keep guns in America for the safety of themselves and their families. The US Constitution, through the Second Amendment in 1971, gave citizens the legal right to purchase and possess arms. Even after lakhs of efforts, this law of 51 years ago remains here and now due to the continuous and increasing incidents of mass shooting, it has become a kind of headache for the government.

Some say the death toll

The data is proof that gun ownership in America has increased significantly over the years. Talking about 50 years ago, there were 90 million guns in America and the situation has not changed even today. This is why death from firearms is a fixture in American life. This is the truth of the people here which cannot be denied.

If we look at the time period of 49 years of gun deaths in this country from 1968 to 2017, then 1.5 million i.e. 1.5 million people have become a victim of gun culture. This figure is more than the number of soldiers killed in every American conflict since the American War of Independence of 1775.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), guns kill an average of 53 people here daily. In this country, 79 percent of the lives take a gun alone. Guns were the cause of death of more than 45,000 Americans in the year 2020, whether it was suicide or murder. This death toll was the highest among gun deaths in any year here this year.

This figure registers an increase of 25 percent compared to 5 years ago and 43 percent from 2010. This culture of keeping guns is flourishing here because this issue is very political here. Politicians here strongly advocate the constitutional right of the people to keep arms in their states.

How many guns are there in America?

It is extremely difficult to calculate the number of guns in private hands around the world. But in this the Small Arms Survey, an organization with a famous research project in Switzerland, has taken the initiative. According to its figures, there were 39 crore guns in the world in the year 2018. This figure of guns is much higher in America than in other countries around the world. The ratio of citizens and guns here is currently 120.5 per 100 residents. In the year 2011, this ratio was 88 per 100 inhabitants. That is, 11 years ago today, 88 out of 100 civilians were gunmen.

Recent data also shows that the number of gun owners has increased tremendously over the years. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in February this year found that 7.5 million adult Americans became the first gun owners from January 2019 to April 2021. This is 3 percent of the adult population here. This means that in America, another 10 million people got guns in their homes, of which 5 million were children. Half of these people who bought guns were women.

Due to this, 10 million adult American citizens as well as 50 lakh children got guns in their hands. That is, in this time of only two years, about half of the new gun owners were women. 40 percent of new gun owners were black or Hispanic. A study published separately in 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that gun violence against children also increased in the midst of an increase in gun ownership during the Korana epidemic. This was directly related to the increasing purchase of guns.

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