40 cases of dengue in Bathinda: so far larvae found in 1600 places, appeal to keep fridge and cooler clean

Bathinda34 minutes ago

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Dengue-Malaria outbreak is increasing in Bathinda, Punjab. 40 cases of dengue have been reported in the district. All these patients are being treated in private hospitals.

According to the health department, malaria is also spreading. Malaria patients have been found in Sangat and Nathana. Health Department’s Malaria Officer-cum-Health Inspector Jaswinder Kumar said that 16 teams of anti-dengue malaria survey are working in the city. They are getting dengue larvae from 25 to 30 places from different areas of the city almost every day.

He said that till now dengue larvae have been found at 1600 places. The Health Department has appealed to the residents of Bathinda to keep their refrigerators and coolers clean. Also, do not let the water stay in the pots for a long time.

It is noteworthy that cleanliness drive is being carried out in Bathinda city. Municipal Commissioner Dr. Palvi Chaudhary had started this campaign yesterday only. Although fogging is also done by the Municipal Corporation in the city. Despite this, dengue and malaria are spreading.

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