3 supplements you must take to boost heart health

Heart illnesses in the modern world are on rise. Stress, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food is a deadly combination that very few can escape. Good thing is that it is possible to take steps to improve your heart health rather than waiting for a trigger to worsen it further. Starting with a physical activity is the first step, while following it up with healthy changes in your diet is the next. In this road to healthy heart, small steps over a period of time could make all the difference. (Also read: Comedian Raju Srivastava suffers heart attack in gym; is too much exercise bad for heart?)

Rather than losing all that weight in one go with heavy exercising, start slow and as your body is more prepared increase the duration and intensity of your workout. One should go for routine check-ups with or without the history of heart diseases. Although people who have family history must be extra vigilant and shouldn’t take their heart health for granted at all.

Apart from this, one can also take some healthy supplements to boost heart health on advice of your doctor.

“Our modern world can bring overwhelming amounts of information aimed at helping us get healthier through supplements. Often, some people will see improvements, while others won’t. While there are many great supplements that can benefit heart health, none of them are a magic pill against heart disease. Supplements are best used as part of an overall heart health plan that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and good sleep habits,” says Nutritionist Bhakti Kapoor in her latest Instagram post.


Kapoor says when choosing heart health supplements, one must look for products that do not have unwanted ingredients such as artificial colours or fillers and that one must talk to their healthcare team before taking supplements.

Here are three supplements that the nutritionist suggests for a healthy heart.

1. Omega 3-fatty acids

– Reduced inflammation

– Decreases triglycerides

– Increases good cholesterol

– Improves arterial wall tone

– Lowers blood pressure

– Suppresses blood clotting

– Improves irregular heart rhythms

2. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

– Essential for cellular energy production

– Antioxidant and helps to combat free radical damage

– Lowers blood pressure

3. Magnesium

– Plays a role in the biochemical reactions in your heart muscle

– Improves blood pressure

– Important for stress management which can affect heart health

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