3 popular and delicious Korean recipes you must try

Korean cuisine has a delightfully warm flavour. Due to cultural shifts over time, Korean food has changed, yet it still plays a significant role in defining the nation. Green, red, yellow, white, and black are the five main colours used in traditional Korean cuisine. They each denote a direction, a natural component, and a health advantage. Many of these dishes have been enjoyed by Korean royal families solely for more than 2,000 years. Korean cuisine is now so well-known that both locals and visitors describe it as savoury, spicy, hearty, and nutrient-rich treats that can be savoured any time of day. We have listed out a few most popular and delicious Korean recipes that you must try! (Also read: 3 mouth-watering karonda pickle and jelly recipes to boost immunity )

  1. Instant Kimchi recipe

(Recipe by Instagram/@veganuksk)

Kimchi recipe(gettyimages)


1 head cabbage

1 tbsp salt

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp fresh ginger

1/2 head garlic

1/2 white onion

1/2 cup red pepper chilli flakes


1. Wash, dry and core the cabbage, then cut into 4 and salt between the leaves with your fingers. Leave in a container for around 4h, flipping the leaves every half an hour.

2. Drain the excess water and rinse and dry the leaves. Blend the other ingredients together for the spicy paste, then spread on the cabbage leaves.

3. Sanities your glass jars, place the cabbage inside and leave in the cupboard for up to 5 days, opening the jar every day to push the air bubbles out. Then transfer to the fridge! Kimchi can be left in the fridge for months.

2. Korean Chicken Wings

(Recipe by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor)

Korean Chicken Wings(Unsplash)
Korean Chicken Wings(Unsplash)


Chicken wings pieces 6-8

Refined flour (maida) 3/4 cup

Cornflour/ corn starch 1/4 cup

Salt to taste

Eggs 2

Oil to deep fry

Sesame seeds (til) toasted + for sprinkling

Spring onion greens chopped to garnish

For Sauce

Sesame oil (til oil) 1 tablespoon

Garlic cloves chopped 6-8

Ginger chopped 1 inch piece

Korean chilli paste 2 tablespoons

Orange 1

Soy sauce 1 teaspoon

Brown sugar 1/4 cup


1. Take refined flour, cornflour and salt in a mixing bowl. Break the eggs and add. Add ½ cup water and whisk till you get a smooth batter.

2. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Dip each chicken wing in the batter, slide into the hot oil and deep fry till golden and crisp. Drain on absorbent paper.

3. To make the sauce, heat oil in a non-stick pan, add garlic and ginger and sauté till golden. Add Korean chilli paste, mix and sauté for 2 minutes. Grate a little of the orange zest into the pan.

4. Squeeze the juice of ½ orange into the pan. Add soy sauce and brown sugar, mix well and add salt. Mix well and cook till the mixture thickens.

5. Add fried chicken wings in the sauce and mix till all the chicken wings are well coated.

6. Transfer them into a serving bowl, sprinkle toasted sesame seeds and garnish with spring onion greens. Serve immediately.

3. Korean Rameyoen

(Recipe by Instagram/@vegandinnernow)

Korean Rameyoen(unsplash)
Korean Rameyoen(unsplash)


70g uncooked rameyoen

1/2 cup room temp. water

3-4 tbsp soy sauce, adjust according to desired taste

1.5-2 tbsp corn starch

2-3 tbsp maple syrup or other liquid sweetener, adjust according to desired sweetness

1 tbsp lemon juice

1/4 tsp ground pepper

1/2 tbsp sesame oil


1. Mix all the sauce ingredients until well incorporated.

2. Boil water. Add in the ramen or other noodles of choice and half cook or cook until chewy.

3. While the noodles are cooking, heat a pan. Add in the sauce. Leave to simmer over medium heat.

4. Add in the noodles and mix in sauce. Cook over medium high heat until the noodles absorb the sauce and sauce thickens. Enjoy while hot!

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