180 Hindu organizations furious over violence in Leicester, UK, wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Liz Truss

Living in state of fear: 180 Hindu organizations including Gayatri Parivar, Arya Samaj, Swaminarayan Sampraday and ISKCON have written a letter to UK Prime Minister Liz Truss. In this letter, he has demanded an independent investigation into the Leicester violence. At least 180 British Indian and Hindu organizations and temples have written to UK Prime Minister Liz Truss requesting him to intervene and protect them, which Hindu organizations told them to target. ) and they feel threatened in the UK since the violence in Leicester and Birmingham.

In the letter written to the British PM, the appeal has been made, ‘We would like to draw your attention to the violence in Birmingham, Leicester, Hall and other cities in the past. Indian and Hindu communities have been greatly harassed in the violence at these places. Hatred towards the Hindu community is at its peak in these violence-prone areas. Anytime any person of Hindu community has been physically assaulted, harassing them on social media, targeting them in schools and offices, constantly threatening and misbehaving with them. At its peak, there has been open violence, intimidation and abuse through physical attacks on Hindus, harassment on social media and soft targeting in schools and workplaces.

Less than 2 percent of the population, then the contribution is the highest

The letter demanded, “We are less than two per cent of the population and yet our contribution, of which you are undoubtedly aware, is enormous in terms of socio-economic and social integration into the British economy. Keep it up. The Hindu community is the most law-abiding, as is evident from the prison statistics. Yet, today, we feel like a community that is under siege.”

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Hindu community is living in a state of fear

“You must be aware of the violence in Leicester and aggressive protests outside a temple in Birmingham, as well as vicious attempts to harass the Hindu community in Nottingham and outside London’s iconic Sanatan Temple at Wembley,” the letter said. Though the reasons behind what happened in Leicester are many more complex, the bottom line is that a marginalized Hindu community has been targeted through violence and intimidation.

Representatives said the Hindu community lives in a “state of fear”, while some families have already left the neighbourhood, many others are preparing to relocate. As such, it is worth noting that a small, but highly organized group of radical Islamists took full advantage of the community tensions that existed between this marginalized Hindu community and their Muslim neighbours, who previously lived peacefully. He said that along with open incitement to violence against Hindus, a storm of deliberate misinformation was created on social media.

Demand for financial assistance to riot victims

Outlining their appeals, the letter further said, “First of all, to ensure that the police are proactively investigating the most recent crimes against the Hindu community set out in this letter; Second, to announce and ensure financial support for the victims of these riots, including businesses in Leicester that have been vandalized during the riots, and third, to launch an independent investigation into anti-Hindu hatred and its causes. “

There were clashes after the Indo-Pak match in the Asia Cup

The letter further demanded, “Fourth, to recognize the threat of British domestic terrorism and how some parts of Britain have become centers of radicalization; Fifth, training for teachers ( Help us fund Training for Teachers so that they are aware and recognize and tackle anti-Hindu hate in schools; and sixth, to ensure that around the UK Diwali Adequate security is provided to the Hindu community, both in the short term and long term, including adequate security during the festival. Tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities after the India-Pakistan cricket match in the Asia Cup led to violent clashes in the eastern England city of Leicester last month.

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