112 goons caught in 5 hours, 26 permanent warranty: Gwalior Police reached midnight and knocked on the latch of the miscreants

Gwalior34 minutes ago

In the intervening night of Monday-Tuesday, the police have done combing patrol in the Murar circle. In 5 hours, 112 goons, 26 permanent warranties have been caught and warrants have been served. ASP Crime himself was present as the head of the police force. For the first time, police have run combing patrol live on the social media platform Facebook.

The entire action was going on live on the Facebook wall of ASP Crime Rajesh Dandoutia. How the police reached the house of the warranties and investigated them. It was shown here that the police talked to the women and children with great care and decency, but they were detained as soon as they got the warranty.

ASP interrogating outside Warranty’s house during patrol

Police is continuously doing combing patrol in Gwalior. In the intervening night of Monday-Tuesday, 138 warranties have been caught by running a campaign to nab the miscreants from the road to the streets. During patrolling, the police checked 202 miscreants who were caught in the incidents in the past. The police has started interrogating the arrested miscreants. SSP Gwalior Amit Sanghi told that during patrolling to curb the incidents, the police knocked on the door of the house of 202 old miscreants to find out what they are doing nowadays and how their expenses are being spent. The miscreant who could not give accurate information was immediately brought to the police station and gathered information about his activities. Along with this, 138 warranties absconding for a long time have also been seized. Which includes 112 arrests and 26 permanent warranties. Along with this, 112 goons have also been arrested.
15 liquor smugglers also caught
Police have arrested fifteen liquor smugglers during combing patrol and registered cases against them. Gambling has also been caught in two places. Along with this, two illegal weapons and a bike thief have also been caught with a stolen bike.
officers monitored
In the combing patrol, all the ASPs and CSPs including SSP Amit Sanghi and the station in-charge kept monitoring the patrolling. Along with this, the people who roam on the streets were interrogated and whoever could not give a proper reason for their meeting on the road was sent to the police station.

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